Cats are absolute sweethearts when they sleep, even the most mischievous kittens appear like cozy angels when they’re all curled up on the couch or dozing in the sun.

Felines are able to sleep almost anywhere, including any position, but how and where they sleep isn’t random as it might seem.
Do resting and sleeping positions matter
If you have a cat, you know that it spends most of its time resting or sleeping. A resting cat is inactive and stationary. They may be sitting or lying down, their posture may differ, and their posture at rest will exhibit a relaxed or tense state, but their posture will not indicate an underlying emotional state.
Whereas when a cat sleeps, its eyes are closed and its muscles completely relaxed, although twitching can be observed on occasion, which may be related to REM sleep (ICatCare, 2010).
Napping moggies come in many poses, generally a cat’s sleeping posture can be indicative of your cat’s mood and underlying health, although sleeping posture alone won’t tell. not determine if your feline is sick, the way a cat rests or its sleep pattern, site and position. can provide an indication of their state of well-being in conjunction with other behavioral and clinical signs.
Cat Sleeping Positions Chart
The following illustrates the common positions felines adopt while sleeping and what they mean:
curled up
This is the most common natural sleeping posture in a cat. Most cats are likely to curl up in a small circle for a peaceful nap when sleeping or resting. When it sleeps, its head rests flat against the surface the cat is lying on. In addition, this posture keeps his body warm and protects vital organs.
belly up
Sleeping on your back with your stomach exposed indicates absolute relaxation and well-being. The cat’s stomach is the most vulnerable part of his body, lying flat on his back with his paws stretched in the air unable to quickly escape in case of danger, he shows complete confidence. Please avoid touching your cat’s belly while napping in this tempting position!
Next to
A side sleeping posture indicates that your cat is relaxed, but not always in deep sleep mode. Their belly is exposed and their limbs are stretched out, but your cat is content but alert.
The acrobat / contortionist
This is the strangest sleeping pose your cat will exhibit with its body appearing to writhe with limbs twisting in all directions while the head twists into an uncomfortable angel. The science behind this posture has yet to be researched, but if your cat is comfortable and relaxed, enjoy the moment and observe it from afar.
Paw on the face
This is my favorite and most adorable pose that usually occurs when your cat places their paw on their face, most likely to let you know they don’t want to be disturbed or when they want to block out the daylight.
Go home
Not all cats like to be under the covers or hidden, some crawl under the covers with their nose pointing to a small crack for oxygen, most of these cats seek it out as a form of security and comfort with the assurance of a quiet place. sleep and protect themselves from invaders. Another reason your cat may squeeze under the blanket is to conserve body heat and seek warmth.
On you
When a cat chooses to sleep on you, take it as a compliment. The relationship you have with your individual cat is unique in nature, many cats display their affection by grooming and napping on top of their owners, there is also the added bonus of warmth for the cat during the months the coldest. Your cat feels safe and comfortable, which strengthens the human-pet bond.
Social group naps
Cats that are part of the same social group (showing affiliative behaviors) may choose to sleep in close contact with each other. The same can happen if your cat has a close friendship with your dog, they may also prefer to sleep close together, however your cat and dog should have separate beds.