There were two faces to his cat-but only nine lives. After being born with two faces, two mouths, two noses and three blue eyes, a feline named Frank and Louie died at the age of 15.

The Worcester Telegram states that’ Frankenlouie’ died Thursday at Tufts University, North Grafton’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.
The proprietor of the cat, Marty Stevens, said veterinarians thought cancer was the cause of death.

Precious: Marty Stevens and her beloved cat are seen here at home. She called Frank’s face to the left, while Louie’s face to the right
The proprietor of the cat, Marty Stevens, said veterinarians thought cancer was the cause of death. In the 2012 edition of Guinness World Records, Frank and Louie produced it the longest-surviving member of a band known as Janus cats, named after a two-faced Roman god.
Janus cats hardly survive, and most of them have congenital defects. Usually they only live a couple of days. In September 1999, a breeder brought the rare feline to Stevens, a vet nurse, for euthanization.
But Stevens, not believing that the cat would survive, chose to take him home with her and take care of him. She used tubes in both mouths to supply Frankenlouie, quickly realizing that his esophagus was linked only to the’ Frank’ side. He did, however, eat enough for two..