Friday morning, Chuck Hawley from Silverton, Oregon was on his way to work when he spotted something in the middle of the road. As he watched other cars drive over it, he figured it was a box that had blown into the road, but when he got closer he realized in horror that the truth was much more sinister.

He saw a small kitten full of fear and trembling. And he realized it was glued to the highway just when he reached for it. There are people out there who would do such a thing, he simply couldn’t think.

He knew that he had to act quickly and take the poor creature to a safe place, otherwise a vehicle could hit him, and Chuck carefully peeled her off the road, taking the kitten to a local shelter. The employees took care of the kitten and used mineral oil to remove the rubber cement from their fur.
They discovered puncture wounds on the throat of the 5-week-old kitten after a comprehensive check-up. The wounds were handled and a police report was submitted by Chuck. Everyone wished to prosecute the individual who did the cruel act.